Thursday, 22 March 2012

Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (Gudi Padwa)

The first Holy festival which marks the beginning of the New Year, new month and new day for the Hindus falls on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. It is known as Gudhi Padwa (in Maharashtra), Ugadi (in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh). [In other parts of country it is celebrated during Nau Roz (Kashmir), Baisakhi (Punjab), Cheti Chand (Sindhi), Naba Barsha (Bengal), Goru Bihu (Assam), Puthandu (Tamil Nadu), Vishu (Kerala)] On this very day Lord Brahma created the Universe. Therefore for Hindus, this day carries special importance. The day iscelebrated with an auspicious bath, followed by decorating the doorway with a 'toran', performing ritualistic worship and hoisting the Gudhi.
Celebrate New Year onlyon Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (Gudi Padwa) !

Presently in Bharat, New Yearis being celebrated on 1st January as per the Western calendar. Celebration on the eve of the Western New Yearinvolves one indulging oneself in various malpractices like indulging in eve teasing after drinking, etc. So, instead of beginning the New Year on an auspicious note, it begins unpleasantly. To ensure that the beginning of the New Yearbegins on an auspicious note,celebrate it according to the Hindu scriptures, on Chaitra Shuddha Pratipada as per theHindu lunar calendar. This date is glorious in all ways - as per the cycle of Nature and it also has historical and spiritual significance. All this contributes to endowing the one celebrating it, as per the Hindu scriptures, with severalbenefits. It is the duty of eachindividual to arrest the loss being caused to society due to blindly emulating Westerners. Chaitra Shukla Pratipada is a sacred day for the Hindus. In some parts, it is observed asNew Year's Day. At the end ofa year and the beginning of a New Year, it is necessary to ponder over what were the developments with respect to Sanatan Dharma. It is observed that there was a remarkable increase in the onslaughts on Dharma and only a few came forward to oppose these. Neither the onslaughts on Dharma, nor the weak opposition to it by Hindus are new problems for awakened Hindus. The most serious opposition faced by awakened Hindus in the past year was from the so-called pro-Hindu Organisations.
No one should preach about freedom with regards to Sanatan Hindu Dharma, which teaches respect for every living being on the earth. There should be a difference between freedom and wanton behaviour. However, not only the common man but even those who profess to be the champions of Hindutva, make mistakes in understanding thetrue meaning of wanton behaviour. An onslaught on culture is also wanton behaviour. Some awakened Hindus opposed the growing popularity of 'pub culture' for this reason. Pro-Hindu Organisations not only opposed them, but even demanded a ban. From this, it was clear that these are the pro-Hindu Organisations who instigate Hindus only to meet their own selfish ends.
Globalisation does not mean that we should discard our conscience and accept with open arms anyone who comesfrom across the seas, withoutgiving a thought to the pros and cons of our action. Be it a'Valentine's Day', 'pub culture'or a weekly holiday, the pro-Hindu Organisations oppose those who protest such events; yet they hardly take any action in this regard.When there was a ban on bargirls in Maharashtra by the Congress, it was welcomed byothers. Taking advantage of this, pro-Hindu Organisations should have tried to follow suit, but this did not happen.
Culture is a collective manifestation of Dharma. Hence, an attack on culture is an attack on Dharma. The 'globalisation', which is materialistic behaviour, attacks the local culture. And that is opposed by followers of other religions too in many parts of the world. Some countries have evolved special machinery in the Policeto protect their culture. However, in Bharat there is no such machinery in existence.
The followers of other religions are so vigilant abouttheir faith that their representatives may be in any political party, whenever an issue of their faith is raised, they all unite. The New Year is being ushered in with the message, 'O Hindus! Arise !' Religious interests areabove a person or an Organisation. Therefore, learn what religious behaviour is, get spiritual experiences about Dharma and take action in the interests of Dharma. The situation has already gone out of control. Terrorism inspired by pan-Islamism ideology along with the veiled activities of missionaries who are inspired to spread their Gospel in third world countrieslike Bharat, in this century, are both attacks on Dharma. The cult of materialism is also a form of attack on our Dharma. It is difficult to decide which is more dangerous. Withsuch forces looming large ahead of us and impacting ourlives in so many ways, let us take cognisance of the dangers they pose and make a firm resolve to protect Dharma. -RK ®™

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