Saturday, 17 March 2012

Self Hated

*. Gay or Lesbian people who are homophobic
*. Minorities who are racist against their own race
*. Rich people who despise people with money
So how could this possibly be? Because of one of the most seminal changes in history. A development that came about without much public notice or media fanfare. And this is it:
We now change and develop more from the influence of mind virusesthan we do from physicalevolution.
As usual, the mind is driving the bus. But the problem is, the mind is notthinking clearly. Remember the process I spelled out yesterday. This is the cycle of self-sabotage:
A negative or limiting belief, creates a negative or limiting vision, which inspires negative or limiting actions, which produce negative or limiting results.
And of course most of those limiting beliefs are created by the most virulent mind viruses, which are now assaulting us 24/7. These include the crazy “you’re not worthy” memes programmed by organized religion, the “you need us to take care of you” memes propagated by nanny state governments, and the “everyone should look young, skinny and sexy”memes disseminated by pop culture. We haven’t mentioned the sibling rivalry stuff, limiting beliefs you got from coaches or teachers at school, and I haven’t even started with your mother-in-law.
The point being, you are being assaulted with thousands of mind viruses a day; most of them being negative.

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