Tuesday, 20 March 2012

What is Your Time and Energy Really Worth to You.

From the moment you are born the sands in the hourglass are dropping away never to return again. Every second of everyday will be experienced and gonebefore you know it.
When we are infants and toddlers the concept of time isn’t even in our awareness yet. We just do what we do when we do it.
Once we get into school thentime becomes more clear in our daily lives. Can’t be late for school, gotta get to the next class before the bell rings and so on. Most of us didn’t have a choice of whether or not we could go to school and we just kind ofaccepted it.
Once you graduated high school it was either off to college or go get a job. Two more activities that eat a major chunk of your time. Still at this time you didn’t realize that you had a choiceof how you spend your time.
As the World is changing on a massive scale many of youhave been “waking up” and saying, “Hey, I want to live life on my own terms and nothow someone outside of me dictates it to be.”
The truth is you always had choice when it comes to how you spend your time. Many of the wealthy entrepreneurs that you see like Bill Gates or Donald Trump are people who knew they wanted to have freedom of choice when it comes to how they spend their time.
Granted entrepreneurs workjust as hard and long as employees yet they are in control of how and when they spend their time.
Time is a concept that we all experience everyday. Basically we have 24 hours in a day even though it feelslike a lot less than that. Doesn’t it?
80% of people are in jobs that they do not like or evenworse they like their jobs but all the office politics and back stabbing make it almostunbearable to even do your work.
I experienced this myself during my 13 year stint in Corporate America. That is why I prefer to work for myself and or be the boss. I’m an Aries, what can I say.
Value your time
When I was younger time didn’t matter to me at all. From my point of view there was an abundance of it so I didn’t think about it much. But as I got older, and time seemed to be speeding up, I became more conscious of how I spent it.
It’s funny. In our world they create all kinds of fears about not enough food, water, oil, jobs and so on yet they never focus on something that really is in short supply for you; Your TIME!
You really can’t place a high enough value on your time can you? Most jobs are set up as a “trade your time for money” experience. The problem is that most jobs only pay you a pittance of what your time is really worth.
Plus jobs do not only take up your time but your energy too. Think about? You are already giving awayyour time which has value in and of itself, plus you have to exert physical and mental energy to do the work that they are paying you for.
The problem for me has always been the energy exchange between trading my time and energy for such a small amount of money in return. From my point of view the balance was way off and not in my favor.
Do you respect other people’s time?
I respect other people’s timeas much as I respect my own.I don’t hold people up by making idle chit-chat with them nor do I ask them to dosomething for me without doing something in return now or in the future.
As much as I love to help people and give away stuff for free I realized that this opens doors to parasitical relationships which are not only draining on my time but my energy too. I had to set boundaries or at least ask the other person for something in return for helping them out.
Example :
Fellow Blogger :“Would you read my latest eBook and give me a testimonial.”
Me : “Sure I will if you will add a link to my blog with thetestimonial.”
This is an equal energy exchange. Something for something or value for value. Whatever you want tocall it.
I do have relationships with some friends and relatives where we do things for each other without asking for anything in return right then and there. We just have a set up where we can ask forhelp from each other from time to time.
How Do You Value Your Time?
The million dollar question.
I remember having my first psychic reading with Dr. Gwen back in 1997. I asked all the typical questions about my health, my relationships and of course money.
I will paraphrase what Dr. Gwen said to me about money but it was along theselines.
“ There are billions of dollars floating around out there everyday and there is no reason someof that money can’t flowto you. Your mind mightsay; I can’t be Donald Trump or Bill Gates but that is not true. You canbe just like them. It all starts in here (she pointed to her heart) not here (she pointed toher head).”
The word that she spoke next to me is what really gotto me and the reason for this post today.
“ You need to value yourself first and the money will follow.”

-RK ®™

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