Saturday, 7 April 2012

From the archive, 7 April 1930: Gandhi's civil disobedience plans go wrong.

Originally published in the Manchester Guardianon 7 April 1930 'Mahatma' Gandhi, India'snationalist and spiritual leader, leads the Salt March in protest againstthe government monopoly on salt production. Photograph: Central Press/Getty Images. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The great test has comefor "Mahatma" Gandhi, the Indian Nationalist leader, in his efforts to obtain the complete independence of India from British rule. Wadinginto the sea this morningat Dandi, the lonely village on the Arabian Sea shore, Gandhi and his followers broke the salt monopoly laws and so inaugurated the campaign of mass civil disobedience. There wasno interference by the authorities, although a detachment of 150 policeofficers had been drafted into Dandi and a further force of 400 police was at Jalalpur. The actual breaking of the salt monopoly law was witnessed by a large crowd who gathered at the seashore. Surrounded by about 100 volunteers—including those who had made the 200-mile march from Ahmedabad,— Gandhi waded into thesea and bathed. Pots were then filled with sea-water and boiled orleft in the sunshine and the salt residue sprinkled on the ground.Gandhi was hailed by Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, the Indian poetess, as "the lawbreaker." By that action Gandhi contends that he has broken the salt laws, but apparently the authorities are of another opinion. It is stated that the salt manufactured by Gandhi is unfit for human consumption unless properly treated, and therefore does not infringe the salt monopoly laws. The attitude of the authorities has perplexed Gandhi, who stated in an interview that he could not imagineit was due to any change of heart. He would, he added, have to devise other plans if there was no interference at Dandi. Gandhi's statement is significant. It reveals that he was hoping for arrest, but there has been strong determination on the part of the authorities toavoid giving the Nationalist leader the opportunity of"martyrdom." Yet thoughthe authorities have adopted a policy of non-interference a situation has arisen which is likely to impede the plans of Gandhi. A message from Jalalpur states that a deputation of untouchables (members of the depressed classes in India) had an interview with the Nationalist leader and placed their case before him. They failed to get satisfaction,however, and, following the interview, the leaders of the deputation declared their intention of practising a satyagraha (passive resistance) toward Gandhi and his followers. This counter-satyagraha, it is stated,will attempt to prevent Gandhi from removing the salt which he has illegally manufactured. Large numbers of untouchables will lie in front of the Nationalist leader's volunteers. As an untouchable cannot be touched by those people of caste, Gandhi's adherents will not be able to get beyond them without violating religious principles.

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