Wednesday, 4 April 2012

How To Prove YourWorth In Every Area Of Your Life

Whether you are starting a new career or are trying to prove your worth in your current job, your attitude plays very important role in everything that you do. In fact, it is your attitude that will determine your performance that you get . And thus, it is your attitude that will shape your life. If you want to be better in every area of your life, ask yourself how you can contribute more towards it and add more value in your role. For example, if you wantto build your career, ask howyou can contribute more and do more toward your company and improve your performance. And this has a big connection with your attitude. If you adopt the ‘I don’t care’attitude in your work, your boss will never care about you and during recession, you will be the first one to get fired. The same goes in your life, if you do not pay much attention on it, you will end up getting nowhere. Imagine where you will be in the next 5 years. Will you still be doing the same thing as what you are doing right now? If you are earning$2,000 per month now, will you be earning the same amount after 5 years? Only you can answer those questions. And let me tell you one very important fact that most people do not like to listen. It is what you do now that will determine your future . Think about it, your future will definitely arrive, the only question is where and what. Where will you be the next year and what kind of lifestyle you will be living? And if you want to have a better and brighter future, you must work now, not 5 years from now when the timehas already arrived. This is what is happening to most people out there. They are not doing anything to improvetheir lives. And I know you are NOT one of them. You would want to change and to live a better life because youare here, reading this article to improve the quality of yourlife. So you decided to change, but how can you do that and how do you do that? The answer is pretty simple, it’s your attitude. You see, you are who you are right now because of what you everyday did over the years. And what you doeach day is determined by your attitude . Just likebrushing your teeth, you brush your teeth the same way, everyday. This is because you have made it anattitude and made it into a habit of doing it the same way. Therefore, you must adopt the right attitude in order to do something each day that will move you toward your goals and your dreams. You have to make it a habit by programming it into your subconscious mind. When thishappened, you will work toward your goals everyday,on autopilot mode. This is what you want to achieve. And the technique that you can achieve this is by adopting your habit for at least 30 days . When you plant a new habit into your mind, you need to work on it consistently so that it will fully program into your subconscious. Now, you know that your attitude will determine your future, but what are the attitudes and habits that you want to adopt into your life? Here are 5 golden attitudes that can help you to unleash your greatness and move you toward your goals and dreams… 1. Focus on what you want Of course, you need to have a target before you can startfocusing and moving toward it. Thus, make sure you knowwhat are the end results thatyou want and what are the outcomes that you intend to produce. Whenever you knowwhat you want, stay focused and move toward it like an arrow flying straight toward the target. Make sure you think about your dreams and do something to move forward each day. Do not just think about it, do something to create the results that you want. 2. Go the extra mile Work harder and put in commitment to achieve what you desire in your heart. Most people are lazy and they are not willing to sacrifice for what they want. This is why they are just an ordinary guy. However, you are different, you know you have the potential and you know you are extraordinary. You know you are special and you can produce outstanding results in your life. Hence, strive to go extramile. Put in more effort and work on your goals and your dreams. When you choose to work on your goals, you have to sacrifice other thingsthat you did not choose, suchas your leisure time. It may sound cruel, but you can enjoy after you have put in effort on your goals. 3. Stay healthy andkeep your life balance It is not about all work and noplay. You need to keep your life balance. Eat healthy food and eat fruits and vegetableseveryday. You want to keep yourself healthy to tackle more challenging tasks in the future. When you are healthyand feel energetic, you can achieve more and accomplish greater results. Plan your leisure time and rest when you have to. Some people actually suggest that you should plan your day with play first and then only plan for your work. This is because when you know yourlife is filled with enjoyment and play, you will work harder. You can try this out. -RK

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