Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Last Moments of before a Die!

The Scout motto is "be prepared," but it's hard to be prepared for death , be it our own or a loved one's. Too much is unknown about what dying feels like or what, if anything, happens after you die to ever feel truly ready. However, we do know a bit about the process that occurs in the days and hours leading upto a natural death , and knowing what's going on may be helpful in a loved one's last moments . During the dying process, the body's systems shut down. The dying person has less energy and begins to sleep more and more. The body is conserving the little energy it has, and as a result, needs less nourishment and sustenance. In the days (or sometimes weeks) before death , people eat and drink less. They may lose all interest in food and drink, and you shouldn't force them to eat.In fact, pushing food or drink on a dying person could cause him or her to choke -- at this point, it has become difficult to swallow and the mouth is very dry. As the person takes in less food and drink, he or she will urinate less frequently and have fewerbowel movements. The person may also experience loss of bladderand bowel control. People who are dying may becomeconfused, agitated or restless, which could be a result of the brain receiving less oxygen. It can be disconcerting and painful to hear a loved oneso confused in his or her last days. The skin will also show theeffects of slowing circulation and less oxygen -- the extremities,and later, the entire body, may be cool to the touch and may turn blue or light gray. Some skin may exhibit signs of mottling , which is reddish-blue blotchiness. As the person gets closer to death , it will become harder and harder to breathe. Respiration will benoisy and irregular; it will sometimes seem as if the person can't breathe at all.When there's fluid in the lungs, it can cause a sound known as the death rattle . It may be possible to alleviate the gurgling and congestion byraising the person's head. If the dying person is experiencing pain, he or she will usually be given medications to manage it. When we're watching someone die, we may havea preconceived notion of how the person should handle death emotionally and spiritually. It's important to remember thatevery person experiencesdying differently. Some people have the need to say goodbye or to hear from another person before death , some don't. Some people prefer to partake in religious rites, while others may remain silent until the end and pass away when everyonehas left the room. Doctors and other professionals who manage end-of-life care advise loved ones to take their cues from the dying and avoid projectingtheir own desires or needsonto the person. They alsourge loved ones to continue speaking comfortingly to a dying person -- hearing may be one of the last things to go. Clinical death occurs when the person's heartbeat, breathing and circulation stop. Four to six minutes later, biological death occurs. That's when brain cells begin to die from lack of oxygen, and resuscitation is impossible. ®™ RNK

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