Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Self-Transformation - KEYS !

Self Transformation is something which should motivate & drive one by himself. Nobody can aide or motivate you, but Yourself. Transformation demands constant practice though. To achieve success in anything,it is important that we constantly complete what we have begun. With a constant& dedicated practice, even the Impossible becomes Possible. Here are some vitalreflections on & use of whichshall hasten transformation. 1. Examine Yourself – It is a good practice to recall your day spent, your achievements, attempts & failures. This helps in increasing one's awareness & adds on to improving one's memory too. 2. Note making Habits – Itis always nice to put your schedules, tasks & challenges which adds as afeedback & motivates to keep up & plan your days ahead. 3. Be Aware of the Opportunity - Every problem, doubt, difficulty isan an opportunity in disguise. Opportunity knocks at our door in various guises & many arenot aware of it & let them pass by. 4. Develop Decision making Skills – Always be guided by the Heart, butuse your Head as well. Onemight turn out to be wrong initially, but constant practice leads one to connect his/her inner thoughts & feelings eventually. 5. Always obey the rule –Do unto others what you want others to do unto You. 6. Choose your Allies – right company, friends, people circle who can aid inyour progress. With a good team, even the most difficult tasks become Easy. 7. Do it Today & Now – Never Ever Postpone or think of Tomorrow. This acts as a good motivator 8. Art of Completion – is a good boost towards Self transformation. It is that satisfaction that fills in withthe contentment & happiness. Once the present is incomplete, our mind gets diverted to our past failures or future repeatedly. Live in the Now, Always ! 9. Practice- Practice- Practice . ........Practice leads to Perfection. And gradually raise your level of Challenge. 10. Time Management – reduces the Stress levelsof day today life & improves one's productivity. Time is Life& do honor it. 11. Character Building – Constantly Center yourself & purify your mind by forgiving yourselffor all the wrongs & Get rid of your inner Guilt feelings. This is something called 'Self -Reflection' & everyone needs to timely vacuum your mind of such thoughts & forge towardsPositive frame of Mind. 12. Adopt a Practice of Yoga/ Meditation – this helps in cleansing your body, mind & the soul 13. Power of Imagination – What you Imagine, It willbe manifested. If the sameimagination is disciplined, it is then a ladder for progress. Always fill your mind with greatest of Ideals & Get Inspired 14. Be Open to New Ideas& Ventures – Getting accustomed to the same set routines every day can be boring. Accepting new challenges & trying out new things brings in new awareness. It is a learning process. 15. Conquer laziness – Perhaps, the first hurdle on the path to progress at the body level. Break itwith a Exercise-Gym-Jog-Brisk Walk down the blockall helps in refreshing themind & defeat the body lethargy. 16. Breaking Habits – Tv,Internet – Social Networking, Texting, Video games...etc 17. Develop Reading Habits – Books, Literature,........they are the best friends, which helps in Knowledge & occupying the wandering mind. Readers are Leaders. 18. Destroy all the 'Ifs', Fears & 'Doubts' – onlythen the Self transformation can occur 19. Learn from day todayLife Issues & problems – They are the Best teachers, which no book or class can ever teach 20. Do not fear Criticism – Do your Best & accept any criticisms, which is posed for your betterment in some meansshould be the spirit. No matter how perfect you are, criticisms are a part of the game. There existspeople with open & closedminds, & one has to learnto deal & interact with everyone. 21. Practice Laughter Session for a few mts daily, very intentionally &it should come from the bottom of the Heart. This eases the feelings in you& surroundings. 22. Prayer – A Must for that unknown Spiritual Guide to lead & aide you to face day today life challenges 23. Bury your failures, weaknesses & negatives & Concentrate on Success. That positive vibe in you can transform one to Success, with the art of making Efforts. 24. Learn to Accept the Reality of Life & Truthhumbly. Begin your journey humbly with the attitude of 'I don't Know' –with uncertainties & this way, it leads one towardsthe needed Efforts to know it more. 25. Develop by Auto suggestions – This should be done in Silence contemplating with complete faith & understanding. Attach love & emotion to your auto suggestions – 'I am Bold', 'I am able to do this work', 'I am healthy'.... Pendown or record your inner generated auto-suggestions & examine, apply to your life situations. These suggestions given melodiously in rhythm bring faster results. It is this which helps in Personality development, Success & Transformation. ®™ RNK

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