( My favourite chapter in Gita is Chapter XI , which describes Krishna's Universal Form.) I go back to it again andagain. Krishna helped His friend Arjuna in many ways, but the greatest help He provided, was the granting ofthe vision of His Universal Form. It was this, which finally convinced Arjuna to fight. As Ibattle against my own nature, I seek His help too)
Sweating profusely, mouth parched, the mighty Arjuna stands in the battlefield. The Gandiv has fallen from his trembling hands. Arrayed on both sides of the battlefield, are those, he holds closest tohis heart. Grandfather, gurus,uncles , cousins , friends of his youth and childhood. Now, he would have to unleash his fearsome weaponry against them. Kill them and watch themdie painful deaths.
My predicament is not as terrible as that of Arjuna, yet I suffer too. I am a prisoner ofmy mind, locked in by illusion. Irun after a thousand desires but my thirst never quenches.I toss helplessly on the waves that rise in my mind. Waves of joy, sorrow, love, hatred, anger, jealousy,greed, repentance. I am tormented by fears and wracked by worries. I dance like a puppet to the play of emotions.. How long will you watch me make a complete foolof myself, Dark Lord of Vrindavan? Will Your play never end?
With the effulgence of a thousand suns , the splendorous form towers into the sky. Adorned with garlands , anointed with heavenly perfumes , armed with divine weapons, He appears before the awestruckPandava prince. Countless worlds, suns, moons and stars swirl within the immeasurable vastness of theGod of Gods. Millions of faces, hands and bodies stretch intothe distance. There is no beginning, middle or end. Godsand sages are entering Him with folded hands, singing hymns of peace and praise. Allthe sons of Dhritarashtra, all the kings and warriors are hurtling into the terrible jaws. Some are stuck between the teeth with their heads smashed. As rivers enter the sea, as moths enter the flame.so are these men entering theblazing mouths, only to be destroyed. Krishna, the Primeval Lord, straddles the space between heaven and earth.
Arjuna holds his bow with a steady hand. His doubts dispelled, he knows now, whathe has to do. He knows that he can neither kill nor be killed. He just has to do what his Kshatriya dharma tells himto do. He has to kill those whohave already been killed by the Lord , as all powerful Time. He is an instrument, oneof the innumerable beings whoare constantly arising from and merging into the Absolute Bliss.
Grant me the Celestial Eye, O Lord! Reveal Your Truth to me. So that, like Your belovedfriend Arjuna, I too, can breakfree from my self inflicted misery. ®™
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