So what stops most people from manifesting prosperity?
Hey guys, I’m locking down the blog! I know many of you want to read the next post onthe other spiritual law that blocks many people from prosperity. But I’m going to keep this post up, until Project Forgive gets 100% funded. We’re 87% there as of the time I’m writing this. Let’s get it done!
If you haven’t supported the project, please do. And please share the link all over your world, email, Twitter FB and Pinterest. We can make this happen. We really can. -RG
Most of you know, I teach seven laws of prosperity you must live by. Most people don’t have a problem with most of them. But there are two that seem to get a lot of resistance with a large group of people. Let’s look at the first one…
The Forgiveness Law of Prosperity
So why is this so hard for so many? Victim-hood. Or more specifically, the desire that comes from remaining in victim-hood. Some people geta psychic payoff from feeling exploited. So they hold onto that victim state like a bulldogwith a bone. And that, doesn’t serve you…
You can be a victim – or you can be a victor – but you can’t be both.
Forgiveness also lets you practice the Vacuum Law of Prosperity. You release being a victim and that creates a vacuum for your good.
And who do you think is the hardest person in theworld to forgive?
Now how did I know you were going to say that? We are allour toughest critics. And we’ve all done things and said things we wish we had never done. That’s just part of being human. So apologize if appropriate, forgive yourself, resolve to do better, and move on. You too, deserve forgiveness, including from yourself.
Next post we’ll look at the other law people have the hardest time with. But before that, I want to tell you about an amazing mission about forgiveness taking place. It’scalled Project Forgive. It’s a transformational documentary being created by Emmy-winning producer Shawne Duperon. She and some of the other people behind the film have put up a page on Kickstarter to fund the project. They’re a coupledays away from the deadline and they’re almost there. They could use your help.
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