Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Part 1> 'Gandhiji is a prophet for communication revolution age'

Sudheendra Kulkarni : It's an absolute honour for me to be talking to you, Dr Kurzweil. Reading your books was a mind-expanding experience for me, and I have referred to your thoughts in my own book.As I mentioned to you, I am talking to you in connection with a book on Mahatma Gandhi that Iam writing. My book explores his views on science and technology, as an integral part of his overall philosophy -- best encapsulated by the title of his autobiography My Experiments with Truth . It also posits that the future evolution of information technology will make a decisive contribution to the actualisation of Gandhi's ideals of truth, nonviolence and universal brotherhood. Contrary to popular belief, Gandhi was not opposed to science and technology. My research tells me that he had deepfaith in the power of science and machines. Indeed, he held that the greatest machine ever created is the human body itself. But machine for what purpose? That is the central question hesought to answer. He wasopposed to the exploitative ends to which machines were putduring the Industrial Revolution. He questioned their role in the colonisation of India and other nations in Asia,Africa and Latin America,and in the exploitation and pauperisation of its people. But he was not opposed to machines per se. Now the era of the Industrial Revolution is behind us, and machine itself has undergone a fundamental change withthe advent of information technology. Iwant to begin by trying to know your views on Mahatma Gandhi.
    Ray Kurzweil : I think Mahatma Gandhi's movement is a very good early example of the power of people coming together, sharing an idea to change an oppressive reality,and achieving that purpose nonviolently. He did not have the benefit of electronic communication. His idea travelled by word of mouth. But he was able to set an inspiring example. Under his leadership, people came together and showed the tremendous power of peacefulcollective action. We see that happening now on a much faster scale through social networks. There are several examples in the United States of people mobilising themselves in peaceful protest action through social networks and being able to change government decisions and laws fairly quickly, sometimes within a few days. We've seen that happen also in the form of the Arab Spring.Of course, that story is not over yet. History never moves in a straight line. We don't know how things will finally turn out. However, we've seen how modern communication technologies have helped people overthrow some very bad dictators. I had predicted 30 years ago that the Soviet Union would collapse on account of the power of collective action by people communicating to each other through telephone and fax machine. The old method of the communist authorities retaining complete control over newspapers and TV stations didn't work anymore. I think Mahatma Gandhi's movement was a great example of people inspired bya noble idea organising themselves and bringing about change. He fought for social justice through constructive collective action. And that example continues toinspire the world even today. Indeed, it can be more effective today, since the world now has the tools of technology that can carry the idea far more quickly and effectively. The Internet has demonstrated the power to organise the voices of the oppressed peoples in nonviolent but effective ways.Mahatma Gandhi had done the same in his time. To me, he is a prophet for the age of the communication revolution. Thatis why, more people around the world are trying to know about his life and his philosophy through the Internet than ever before.
    Sudheendra Kulkarni : The story of Gandhi's satyagraha movement belongs to the past. But do you think that it will be relevant in the future?
    Ray Kurzweil : It has tremendous relevance today and tomorrow. Especially the power of peaceful collective action for bringing about a positive change. Because if you start organising yourselves violently, then it'svery hard to understand the moral authority of either side. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States led by MartinLuther King [ Images ], in which I participated, was directly inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. Martin Luther King made frequent references to Gandhi. So it's an example thatis repeated over and over again. I cannot think of another example in human history in which ordinary people organised themselves peacefully and brought about great change.
    ®™ RNK

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